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Is All PR Good PR? The Power of Saying “We FCK’d Up”

In the world of marketing and media, the phrase “any publicity is good publicity” has been a long-standing notion. This idea suggests that any form of attention, positive or negative, can benefit a brand or personality by increasing visibility and sparking conversations. However, the question remains: Is all PR really good PR? Let’s delve into the concept by examining instances where brands and personalities gained or lost attraction due to their actions. 

The Power of Controversy: The Nike Kaepernick Campaign

In September 2018, Nike launched a groundbreaking advertising campaign featuring former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, known for kneeling during the national anthem in protest against racial injustice and police brutality. The decision was met with intense controversy, with many critics calling for boycotts of the brand. Nevertheless, the campaign proved to be a massive success for Nike.

According to Edison Trends, after the initial backlash, Nike’s online sales spiked by 31%, and the company’s stock reached an all-time high. The bold move resonated with Nike’s core target audience, capturing the attention of younger and socially conscious consumers. While some existing customers may have boycotted the brand, the campaign brought in a wave of new customers who admired Nike’s stance on a pressing social issue.

The Fall from Grace: The United Airlines Debacle

In April 2017, a video went viral showing a passenger being forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight due to overbooking. The incident sparked outrage across social media, with millions of people condemning the airline’s actions. The negative PR fallout was swift and severe.

According to Fortune, United Airlines’ stock experienced a significant drop, wiping out approximately $1.4 billion in shareholder value within a day. The incident led to a public relations nightmare, with the airline facing extensive criticism and facing the risk of a long-term reputation hit. Despite later apologies and compensation offers, the damage was done, highlighting in this instance that not all PR is good PR.

The Redemption Story: Samsung’s Explosive Crisis Management

In 2016, Samsung faced one of the biggest crises in its history when reports emerged of their flagship smartphone, the Galaxy Note 7, catching fire and exploding due to battery issues. The incidents prompted a global recall and massive negative media coverage.

Samsung’s initial response was criticised for being slow and insufficient. However, the company’s crisis management approach ultimately turned the situation around. They apologised, took responsibility, and improved their communication with customers.

According to Brand Finance, despite the crisis, Samsung’s brand value only decreased by 1% from 2016 to 2017. Their ability to recover relatively quickly was attributed to their transparent and decisive actions to fix the issue and rebuild trust with their customers. This case exemplifies how proper crisis management can mitigate the damage caused by negative PR.

Cancel Culture and Its Impact on Famous Personalities

In recent years, cancel culture has gained traction on social media, where public figures or celebrities face severe backlash and often lose endorsement deals or career opportunities due to offensive or controversial statements and actions.

One example is the case of the popular YouTuber Logan Paul, who faced a significant backlash after posting a controversial video in 2017, showing a dead body in Japan’s Aokigahara forest. The video led to public outrage, and many sponsors dropped their partnerships with Paul.

According to Business Insider, Logan Paul’s estimated earnings dropped significantly in the aftermath of the controversy, affecting his online brand and reputation. This illustrates how negative PR, especially in the age of social media, can have lasting consequences for personal brands and careers.

In addition to his online presence and vlogging, Logan Paul ventured into the world of entrepreneurship and launched his own line of merchandise and products in collaboration with boxer KSI. The notable product in question is Prime, a bottled hydration drink that gained both popularity and controversy among young consumers.

Despite the controversy Logan Paul faced previously, his online popularity with younger audiences remained steadfast. His YouTube channel had millions of subscribers, mostly consisting of teenagers and young adults, who were loyal to his content and persona.

Given Logan Paul’s massive online following and influence, Prime had a built-in audience ready to try it out. Young consumers, particularly those who admired Logan Paul, were intrigued by the product and eager to support his business ventures, even camping outside shopping malls the night before launch. His association with Prime acted as a powerful marketing tool, leveraging his celebrity status to generate interest and sales.

We FCK’d Up: KFC’s Ingenious PR Turnaround and the Power of Humble Authenticity

In early 2018, KFC faced a massive supply chain issue that resulted in a shortage of chicken at many of its UK outlets. The situation quickly turned into a PR nightmare, with disappointed customers taking to social media to voice their frustration and mock the fast-food chain for running out of its signature menu item.

In response, KFC took a bold and unconventional approach to issue an apology. Instead of a standard press release or social media post, the company released a full-page advertisement in several UK newspapers with a clever twist. The letters of the KFC logo were rearranged to read “FCK,” humorously acknowledging the mistake and effectively saying, “We messed up.”

This brilliant use of humour and self-deprecation not only showcased KFC’s willingness to admit its fault but also endeared the brand to its customers. The cleverly crafted apology went viral, gaining major media attention, and became a talking point on social media platforms. Many applauded KFC for their lighthearted and authentic response, with some even suggesting that they handled the situation better than most brands could have.

By owning up to their mistake and creatively addressing the issue, KFC effectively turned a potential PR disaster into an opportunity to connect with their audience. The FCK apology demonstrated the power of sincerity and clever marketing, reminding other brands that owning up to errors and offering a sincere mea culpa can often lead to a positive outcome in the ever-watchful eyes of the public and the media.

In conclusion, the notion that all PR is good PR is not universally applicable. While some instances demonstrate that controversy and negative publicity can be turned into opportunities for brands and personalities, the reality is more nuanced. Negative PR can have severe consequences and may result in reputational damage that takes substantial effort and time to repair. On the other hand, positive PR stemming from bold and meaningful actions can elevate a brand’s reputation and attract a new, engaged audience.

The key takeaway for brands and personalities is to understand the importance of responsible PR management and crisis response. Embracing ethical practices, transparency, and understanding the values of their target audience can lead to more enduring success, even in the face of PR challenges. In the ever-connected digital world, public perception matters, and navigating the delicate balance between good and bad PR can be the difference between triumph and failure.


Don’t be scared of AI – here’s why

The Future of Work with AI: Advancements in the Advertising Industry
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various industries, and the advertising sector is no exception. With its ability to process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions, AI has revolutionised how businesses reach their target audience and optimise advertising campaigns. In this blog, we will explore the future of work with AI and delve into the advancements it has brought to the advertising industry in South Africa.

Enhanced Audience Targeting
One of the most significant impacts of AI in advertising is its ability to improve audience targeting. Traditional methods often relied on demographics and generalisations, but AI has enabled advertisers to create highly personalised campaigns. By analysing vast amounts of consumer data, AI algorithms can identify individual preferences, behaviours, and purchase patterns. This allows advertisers in South Africa to deliver targeted ads to the right audience at the right time, increasing the effectiveness of their campaigns and reducing wasted ad spend.

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants
AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants have become super popular in the advertising industry, and they’re really savvy when it comes to speaking the language of South Africa’s diverse population. They provide immediate customer support, answer queries, and assist in purchasing decisions. But these chatbots don’t just spit out generic responses—they engage with customers using the local vernac and dialects from the 11 official languages. Imagine connecting with a chatbot that chats to you in isiZulu or Afrikaans? It’s like having a virtual assistant that understands your unique cultural context. This clever use of colloquial language allows brands to forge a deeper connection with their audiences, making them feel seen, understood, and ultimately more inclined to engage with the brand. It’s a smart way to bridge the gap between brands and customers, leveraging the power of language to create meaningful interactions and build brand loyalty.

Content Creation and Optimisation
AI has also made significant strides in content creation and optimisation for advertising purposes. Natural language processing algorithms can analyse customer feedback, social media trends, and market data to generate compelling ad copy and content. This not only saves time for marketers but also ensures that the content resonates with the target audience. AI-powered tools can also optimise ad creatives, testing various versions and automatically selecting the most effective ones based on user engagement metrics, thus enhancing campaign performance.

Predictive Analytics
AI’s predictive analytics capabilities have transformed the way advertisers make data-driven decisions. By analysing historical data and identifying patterns, AI algorithms can provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, ad performance, and market trends. In South Africa, advertisers can use predictive analytics to forecast campaign outcomes, optimise budget allocation, and refine targeting strategies. This data-driven approach enables advertisers to make informed decisions, minimise risks, and maximise returns on their advertising investments.

Visual Recognition and Personalised Ads
Visual recognition technology powered by AI has opened new avenues for personalised advertising experiences. By analysing images, videos, and user-generated content, AI algorithms can extract valuable insights about consumer preferences, interests, and demographics. Advertisers in South Africa can leverage this technology to create personalised ads that resonate with individual viewers. By tailoring ad content based on visual cues, advertisers can deliver more relevant and engaging experiences, resulting in higher conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

While AI has brought numerous advancements to the advertising industry, it’s important to acknowledge the potential downfalls and criticisms surrounding its implementation. Some professionals in the industry have expressed concerns about the overreliance on AI simply for cost-cutting purposes, often at the expense of quality. There is a sentiment that many companies prioritise AI solutions that are cheaper and “good enough,” leading to the proliferation of subpar chatbots that fail to provide satisfactory assistance. These chatbots may struggle to understand nuanced queries or offer personalised recommendations, resulting in frustrated customers. Additionally, the use of AI in advertising raises concerns about job displacement. Critics argue that by embracing AI, companies may prioritise automation over human employees, potentially leading to job losses and a loss of the human touch in customer interactions. Read our blog “Is ChatGPT going to steal your job?” for more info on how AI can assist, not replace. It is crucial for businesses to strike a balance between cost-efficiency and maintaining high-quality customer experiences to address these valid concerns and ensure that AI is implemented in a manner that benefits both the brand and its audience.

The future of work with AI in the advertising industry is filled with immense possibilities. AI has transformed audience targeting, programmatic advertising, content creation, and optimisation, as well as predictive analytics. The advancements in AI have allowed advertisers in South Africa to deliver highly personalised and relevant ads, and optimise campaigns. As AI continues to evolve, businesses that embrace its potential will have a competitive edge in reaching their target audience, maximising their advertising ROI, and staying ahead in the dynamic landscape of the advertising industry. But remember, AI can be used as a tool, not as a replacement. Your genuinity of storytelling or unique creative abilities are what make you hirable in the industry, so focus on crafting skills that AI most certainly cannot replace.

Is ChatGPT going to steal your job?

The emergence of AI platforms like ChatGPT has sparked a common concern among many professionals will AI put me out of work? While it’s true that AI may automate some tasks and make certain jobs redundant, the World Economic Forum has stated that people won’t become redundant. Instead, we should learn to work alongside AI to become more productive and focus on developing skills that machines don’t possess.

Who is this robot and what does it do?
ChatGPT is a conversational AI platform that uses NLP and ML to create interactive conversations with users. Its ability to produce almost any kind of text or written output to an almost human quality is impressive, but it is not a replacement for human intelligence and creativity.

How AI Can Assist, Not Replace
So, who are the people that can use ChatGPT?

To put it simply – anyone can. From writing your shopping list to crafting your CV or finding quotes to use in a presentation, ChatGPT can be used by most. However, for the purpose of this blog, we are going to unpack how professionals in our specific industry can use ChatGPT to enhance their productivity by focusing on crafting their niche and unique skills while AI does some of the more mundane work.

Hello, copywriters (I, a copywriter, shaking as I use actual brainpower and not AI to write this). Copywriters are tasked with using their language skills to craft compelling text that promotes products and services. They possess a keen understanding of the buyer’s journey and can create content that resonates with audiences at each stage of the sales funnel. A good copywriter is also adept at adjusting their writing style to match the tone and voice of the target audience. Despite the capabilities of ChatGPT in generating written content, copywriting requires an original thought process that goes beyond regurgitating information already available online. The human touch is essential in capturing personality, meaning, and brand voice in a way that connects with customers on a deeper level. Therefore, copywriters should not be concerned that ChatGPT will put them out of work (Phew! ). Instead, they should focus on developing their creativity and original thinking skills while using ChatGPT to help them with the humdrum copy.

Similarly, journalists are known for their ability to conduct thorough research and use original thinking to report on current events and craft articles that resonate with readers. While ChatGPT can assist in generating article outlines, summaries, and headlines, it falls short of replacing a journalist’s essential original thinking skills. A journalist’s unique perspectives and creativity are essential in crafting engaging articles and providing insights into complex topics that go beyond what can be generated by an AI program.

ChatGPT offers a valuable tool for computer programmers and developers with its ability to produce code in multiple computer languages. However, it is important to note that ChatGPT’s limitations restrict its capability to create complex software that modern applications demand. ChatGPT can be particularly useful for simplifying coding tasks by breaking them down into smaller components, creating short routines, and assisting with identifying bugs and errors in existing code.

ChatGPT’s writing abilities can be of great use to public relations (PR) professionals who want to create social media content that promotes their company’s news and messaging. Nevertheless, PR professionals need to have a clear understanding of their brand’s values and voice to ensure that ChatGPT can create authentic content. By providing ChatGPT with a detailed understanding of the brand’s tone and voice, PR professionals can leverage this technology to create content.

The unequalled art of storytelling
AI cannot replace an authentic human story, one that has unique origins and colourful characters. And because storytelling has been used to connect and bridge gaps between humans since the beginning of time, we use it to connect people to brands, because a good brand is one with a bona fide history that resonates with its consumers. Yes, ChatGPT can spit out a beautiful-sounding story that evokes emotion in your consumers, but it can never speak directly to their pain points or tell the real history, challenges, successes and value of your brand because nobody can copy your story – it’s yours. The brands that feel human and speak human are the ones that stand out and turn into a legacy, because the only thing that truly stands the test of time is a story.

Thriving alongside AI
In conclusion, the emergence of AI platforms like ChatGPT is not a threat to human jobs. Instead, it provides an opportunity for professionals to focus on developing their unique skills and capabilities that AI cannot replace, such as emotional intelligence, empathy, and creativity. AI can assist in automating mundane tasks and improving productivity, but it cannot replace human intelligence and creativity.

Amplify Your Voice: Coffee Creative Studio’s Expertise in Integrating SoundCloud and Podbean Podcasting with WordPress


Podcasting has emerged as a popular and powerful medium for content creators to share their stories, insights, and expertise. At Coffee Creative Studio, we specialise in seamlessly integrating podcasting platforms like SoundCloud and Podbean with WordPress, enabling businesses and individuals to amplify their voice and reach a wider audience. In this blog post, we will showcase our expertise in integrating SoundCloud and Podbean Podcasting with WordPress, highlighting the benefits for your podcasting journey.

SoundCloud Integration

Coffee Creative Studio excels in integrating SoundCloud, a leading audio platform, with WordPress. By seamlessly connecting your SoundCloud account to your WordPress website, we enable you to embed your podcast episodes directly into your website. This integration enhances the user experience, allowing your audience to listen to your podcasts without leaving your site. It also facilitates easy sharing and encourages engagement with your content.

Podbean Podcasting Integration

Our integrated agency offering includes expertise in seamlessly integrating Podbean, a comprehensive podcast hosting and distribution platform, with WordPress. By integrating Podbean with your WordPress website, you can take advantage of its powerful podcasting features. This integration allows you to publish and manage your podcast episodes, customise your podcast player, and provide a seamless listening experience for your audience.

Showcase and Organise Your Podcast Episodes

Coffee Creative Studio understands the importance of organising and showcasing your podcast episodes effectively. With our integration capabilities, we can create dedicated podcast pages on your WordPress website, where you can display your podcast episodes in a visually appealing and user-friendly manner. This integration ensures that your podcast episodes are easily discoverable, increasing engagement and listener retention.

Seamless Playback and User Experience

By integrating SoundCloud or Podbean with WordPress, Coffee Creative Studio ensures a seamless playback experience for your audience. Whether your visitors prefer to listen to your podcast episodes on SoundCloud’s platform or through Podbean’s player, our integration ensures that the playback is smooth, reliable, and aligned with your brand’s aesthetic. This seamless user experience enhances engagement and encourages listeners to explore more of your content.

Podcast Subscription and Distribution

Coffee Creative Studio can help you leverage the subscription and distribution capabilities of SoundCloud or Podbean. By integrating these platforms with WordPress, you can provide easy subscription options for your audience, allowing them to receive updates whenever a new episode is released. Additionally, with Podbean’s distribution capabilities, your podcast episodes can be automatically distributed to popular podcast directories, expanding your reach and attracting new listeners.

Coffee Creative Studio’s integrated agency offering showcases our expertise in seamlessly integrating SoundCloud and Podbean Podcasting with WordPress. By leveraging the power of these platforms, we empower businesses and individuals to amplify their voice, share their stories, and engage with a wider audience. Whether you are a seasoned podcaster or just starting your podcasting journey, our integration capabilities can help you enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and maximise the impact of your podcast. Contact Coffee Creative Studio today to experience the seamless synergy of podcasting platforms and WordPress.

Why Paid Media Needs a Place in Your Marketing Strategy

Are you tired of receiving likes on social media, but having no conversion to sale for your product or service? Have you seen your organic posts’ impressions dwindle or not get the high engagement numbers they used to? Many brands that rely on organic marketing share your woes. In today’s crowded, high-noise media landscape, organic awareness just isn’t enough. Fewer people are seeing posts on social media that are not backed by ad spend. What many may not be aware of, is that this is by design. 

Social media platforms, as fun and engaging as they can be, are businesses first, and like all businesses, they exist to make money. Brands that can build a strong organic reach with high engagements don’t need to pay for ads. Thus they are not useful to social media platforms. As a result, these platforms have to make it much harder (using algorithms and other techniques) for brands to achieve their desired results organically. Businesses that aren’t willing to pay to advertise and promote their content simply go unseen.

However, there is a solution to this dilemma – Paid Media. 

Organic Media vs Paid Media

The term Organic Media refers to all free content that you post on your pages that you haven’t paid for promotion. When posted organically, that content will appear in the news feeds of people or pages that follow you.

Paid Media links ad spend to results. It refers to all social media posts, display ads, video ads, pop-ups and other multimedia content that are marketed with a budget. If a post in your news feed has a “Sponsored” or “Promoted” tag, that is considered a paid social post. 

Pros of Paid Social Media

Organic media has many drawbacks that paid media more than makes up for. Some of the benefits of Paid Media include: 

  • Advanced Targeting

Unlike organic media, paid media gives you total control over who sees your ads. Using a platform’s audience targeting features and demographic parameters, a brand can reach the precise shoppers that it wants to reach. This is a powerful way to both expand and engage your ideal audience at once. Through Paid Media, brands can leverage the various targeting options of social media to capture the attention of leads throughout their marketing funnels.

  • Amplified Reach

With posts from family and friends now being given priority on Facebook and Instagram, organic reach for brands is declining. Paid media gives brands instant visibility. With a little budget backing your posts, you can easily reach users who don’t exist within your brand’s social network, but are likely to be interested in your brand and its offering. Greater reach equals greater results.

  • No Vanity Metrics

Vanity metrics are data that make your brand look good, but aren’t indicative of real performance. They also do little to support your marketing strategy, like the “share” feature. Paid Media provides measurable results by providing detailed insight into post effectiveness and can help drive future strategies to support greater ROI.

  • Fits Any Budget

No matter how small your budget, you can still be effective at Paid Media as the most successful brand accounts on social media are often those with the most attention-grabbing content – not necessarily the biggest spenders. Sponsored posts on Facebook can start from as little as R15, making it an affordable and viable option that caters to all business sizes and budgets.

Brands hoping to be successful on social media, and have that translate to real-world success, will benefit a great deal from Paid Media. To show your content to the right people, in the right place and at the right time, let us run a paid media campaign on your behalf. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our Paid Media services. 

Is DIVI website builder short for DIVINE? Here’s What We Think

Since the COVID-19 pandemic emerged and accelerated e-business adoption, most notably via website and ecommerce channels, you might have spotted a lot more self-building website tools popping up online. You know the type that read: “no coding? no problem” … “create a professional website in minutes”  and our personal favourite, “build websites like the pros.” 

As professionals who actually build WordPress-powered sites for our clients from scratch with our own plugins, we were left wondering:  “How do you build and design a professional website like a professional, when you aren’t a professional?”  For some developers (and rightly so) it’s the equivalent of selling Michelin-star cuisine from a box that sits in the mass-produced frozen food section. To put this oxymoron to the test, we decided to check out DIVI, one of the original theme & page builder combos for WordPress.

DIVI is marketed as a “website building framework that makes it possible to design beautiful websites without ever touching a single line of code and without installing and configuring dozens of disjointed plugins.” It has some good design elements and templates which can be appealing for businesses who want a site that looks and behaves like every other. But a cookie-cutter solution rarely works for many businesses looking to establish a web and Google presence that is brand-centric and caters for its unique set of requirements, functionally and aesthetically.

Loading Speed

One of the reasons we raised eyebrows with DIVI is its slow page loading times. This arises because websites built with DIVI are often bloated with unnecessary code, which affects page speeds. DIVI undergoes updates all the time – a little too much if you ask us, which may be attempts to rectify design flaws that users pick up.  It works with large swaths of data that can make its software slower, resulting in a slower website overall. 

Google has found that 53% of mobile website visitors will leave if a webpage doesn’t load within three seconds, which for us, does not position DIVI favourably in this regard. It is especially worrisome when you consider that Google and other search engines rank websites partly on the load speed of the site. Slower sites will fall low in the search engine results page as compared to their faster ones. This will harm their visibility which in turn negatively affects their traffic numbers. 

Site Infrastructure

From a user-friendly point of view, DIVI falls short when trying to edit page layouts for enhanced UX in that it:

  • Has too many icons that hinder navigation
  • Makes editing difficult with its rows and grids
  • Drag and drop to where you want content to appear may violate the template layout
  • The ability to “undo a change” is not seamless and can only be done from an edit history window.


The process of adding content to a single DIVI theme if you aren’t code-blooded isn’t the easiest. It’s like creating an online CV with a free template, and not having information or images sit where you need them to in the layout. It is also difficult to customise multiple web pages with a universal page template without the use of DIVI’s Post Content Modules, which can go unnoticed as a page building requirement. We have also found that the layout does not automatically transfer to mobile and other devices. 

Site Migration

Switching a theme from DIVI isn’t the simplest process as you may not be able to move non-supported DIVI functionality to a non-DIVI website. Each theme – Divi included – has its own features, so switching from DIVI could prove problematic in the long run and may require the building of a whole new site. 

In summary, we can’t say that we’re fans of Divi. Not because the web building platform is terrible, but because our site building from scratch approach is a knowledgeable and problem-free way to build websites that clients ultimately love, and so does Google.

Embracing Instagram Reels in Business Marketing

Instagram has come a long way since its 2010 debut when the app offered just a few basic filters to give single-post photos a little glow up. One of its newest features is Instagram Reels, and it’s a cool way to record 15-30 second multi-reel video clips set to music on the platform.  Like TikTok, you can add music (your own or songs by established recording artists), audio, text, special effects and stickers, then share them with your followers, or if your account is public, make your content available to the wider IG community.

Incorporating Instagram Reels into brand marketing can be one of the smartest ways to attract more followers and increase your business page’s engagement.

How it Works

Reels can be created from your Story creation screen, or by selecting Reels at the bottom of the Instagram camera. Thereafter, a variety of creative editing tools appear on the left of the screen that can be added to your reel. Enhancing video speed, adding time-synced captions and transition overlays are among the Coffee Creative Studio team’s favourite features as they add dimension and bring unexpected surprises to content viewing.

Reels can be recorded in a series of clips (one at a time), all at once, or using video uploads from your gallery. Once a Reel has been created, you’re free to start sharing. Options exist for sharing reels via direct messages, on Stories or to a dedicated space on the Explore page; where people who don’t even follow you will be able to view your reels.

Benefits for Brands

As mentioned, Reels offers every brand the chance to reach new audiences on a global stage, along with several other key benefits, when incorporated into a business marketing strategy. These benefits include:

  • Authenticity – create content that is 100% original that resonates with audiences. This is a fantastic way to show the human side of your brand.
  • Impact bottom lines – increase sales by using reels to demonstrate your business offering.
  • Product/Service awareness – bring your brand offering to the awareness of more consumers without the need for additional marketing spend.
  • Share educational content – use reels to teach your followers something new, how you can save them money, how to wear a dress 5 ways and so forth. The only limit is your imagination.
  • Inspire content mimicry – Invite audiences to participate in challenges by recreating your video content and sharing it with their followers. In so doing, opportunities for going viral increase.
  • Partnerships – work with influencers to expand brand reach and progress your business evolution by partnering with socially relevant people who are tapped into trends and the pulse of the now.

Like the creative possibilities of Instagram Reels, opportunities to grow your brand with this tool, are endless. If upping your brand game is a business goal you’ve set for 2021, get in touch with us and let’s talk about improving your social media content and overall platforms presence.

It’s Never Too Late to Market Your Business on Instagram

It’s a little hard to believe that not too long ago, Instagram was thought to be nothing more than a basic photo-sharing platform. A few filtered selfies here. A couple of food snaps there. Boy, how things have changed. Today, IG is a serious revenue-generating tool, boasting over 2 million advertisers and 25 million business profiles, all of which leave no platform feature unexplored in efforts to grab the attention of 1.16 billion consumers.

If you’re a little late to the party and don’t know where to start, or feel like you don’t quite “get” Instagram marketing, you’re not alone. Likes, Lives, Stories, Geo-tagging, Insights, Filters, Hashtags and Regrams can bake the best of noodles. But despite Instagram’s many moving pieces, attracting followers and winning over customers is not always an uphill climb. We’ve put together a few tips and tricks to help you get started on the platform and understand a few best practices for growth.

5 Ways Jumpstart Your Instagram Marketing

Target Your Target Market

You’ve registered on Instagram for Business, fine-tuned your profile information and now it’s time to build a dedicated community of followers. Reality check: you don’t need millions of followers to be a success story. All you need is an authentic community of followers who are interested in what you have to offer.

Start small. Consider who your target market is. Ask yourself what they like, what appeals to them, what might be they be interested in and what drives their spend behaviour. Understanding your client will help you to understand what content to create, how to package it and how to best spend money on the platform to yield better results.

Social Identity: Looks Matter (they really do)

Instagram is a visual platform so content must be eye-catching and beautifully presented. Consider the design aesthetic that best fits your brand’s corporate identity, and will be appealing to your target audience, then incorporate it across all post content, both image and video. Consistency in look and feel begets familiarity and continuity, which are essential for audience building and putting your business’ best visual foot forward.


Hashtags or #s are a great way of labelling and finding social media updates related to content one finds interesting. It makes your content discoverable, increasing post reach, and allows you to find relevant content from other people and businesses – a great way to keep eyes on competitors and gauge where the industry is headed. Our blog Hashing Out The Power Of The Almighty Hashtag breaks down the use of this feature in greater detail.

Instagram Stories

Instagram describes its Stories feature as something that lets you “share all the moments of your day, not just the ones you want to keep on your profile”. Here you can create multiple 24-hour photo and video reels that appear together in a slideshow format for everyone to see, not just your page followers. You can even add text, gifs, music, face filters and geo-stickers to give content more detail and personality, or create polls and questionnaires for more engaging brand experiences. Best of all, Instagram shows you just how many people have viewed your story, allowing you to gauge post effectiveness.

Paid Media Pays Off

In business, it takes money to make money, right? Instagram is the same. Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that organic posts are good enough for attracting people. While this is true, posting organically may not attract as many views as desired. Having a Paid Media Spend Budget to back posts and push messages to a wider network within your targeted audience increases post reach, awareness, engagement and potential business leads.  A social media budget can spare you from the risk of making impulse marketing decisions that won’t generate desired outcomes. Remember! 90% of Instagram users follow at least one business. If that business is your competitor, boosting posts and running social media adverts are a great way to bring your brand, product or services to consumer awareness and disrupt your competitor’s strategy. Maybe even draw followers from their business to yours.

If after all these titbits of wisdom, you’re still overwhelmed by social media marketing and would rather trust the experts to manage your brand’s pages, get in touch with us. Learn more about our social media management services here.

Coffee Creative Studio Account Executives

Supporting marketing managers to achieve client goals

Coffee creative studio account executives (AEs) wear many different hats.
They’re clever creatives, super strategists, project managers, report writers, time-keepers and sometimes even fire-fighters, helping companies avoid marketing mishaps before they have a chance to spark flames. but the most important role that AEs play is helping businesses and brands achieve their monthly, quarterly and annuals goals. this is done by liaising with your business’ marketing manager and creative marketing rollouts by our talented team.


client’s marketing manager

The voice of the client. the marketing manager’s role is to liaise with their business’/brand’s executive team internally and then provide our AE with a timely and informative strategic and tactical marketing direction based on the company’s monthly/quarterly/yearly goals and KPIs. you inform, we execute.

ccs account executive

The link between client and agency. The account executive’s role is to creatively build on, assist with, interpret and expand on directions provided by our client’s marketing manager. The AE works in conjunction with the CCS resource team to develop creative marketing elements that best achieve the client’s business goals and marketing plans as outlined by the marketing manager.

responsibilities within the marketing process

marketing manager

Outlines the marketing strategy for the client’s business, then instructs the CCS AE on marketing requirements and project timelines.

Briefs in required tasks to account executive.

Provides full requirements in terms of end collateral.

Supplies relevant quarterly marketing strategic-level plans

Informs AE of industry/business specific information/knowledge that would be relevant to given retainer tasks.

Provides relevant image direction and specific images if required.

account executive

Liaises with marketing manager to assist with the conceptualisation of outlined marketing strategies.

Monitors retainer deliverables

Offers suggestions and creative execution ideas to the marketing manager in line with requirements.

Briefs tasks to CCS resource teams based on marketing managers requests.

Provides creative feedback based on team strategy discussions of marketing plan.

Shares all information and updates with resource team to ensure most up-to-date marketing communication and accurate campaign creatives.

Expands upon image direction to produce effective design concepts.

the briefing process

Don’t have a marketing manager? Never fear, we work with all our clients and their company structures to ensure that we help you achieve your goals!

Influencer Marketing: Word of Mouth Gone Wild

If you haven’t yet heard of social media Influencers or influencer marketing, you’d better start paying attention! Why? Well, with 10.7 million hashtags on Instagram alone, they’re the fastest growing business marketing movement to hit the online space since the arrival chatbots.

Influencers (or Directors of Culture as we like to call them) are the new kings and queens of product, service and brand endorsement. Through their popularity and credibility as thought leaders on social media, they persuade hundreds, if not thousands, of their followers and their followers’ followers, to get on board with whatever they feel passionate about. Whether they’re pushing an idea, product or destination, it all comes together with just a few well-thought-out posts.

When partnering with brands for strategic purposes, everything they touch turns to gold.Depending on the objective, the content that they produce can help businesses generate sales; build awareness; trigger interest in a product, service or event; kickstart conversations; target a niche audience; connect with a new market; grow a social media presence… the list goes on and wraps around the building!

Everything they do is centred around your brand and your marketing intentions. Best of all, they’re excellent value for money. Minimal effort on your part, maximum rewards yielded. But finding the right influencers who are the right fit for your brand isn’t easy. It takes time if you don’t know who to look for — time that you could be using more productively elsewhere.

For this reason, we’ve created Coffee’s new Influencer Marketing package. We identify those select tastemakers who have influence over potential customers within your market, and work with them to orientate marketing activities around your business endeavours at the current time.

Our Influencer Marketing package allows you to leverage off of this lucrative market by:

  • Connecting you with the right influencers
  • Generating public interest
  • Maximising brand reach across social media
  • Targeting campaigns to niche audiences
  • Monetising the influencer’s digital space

When you partner with a Coffee Creative Studio influencer, your campaign has #SUCCESS written all over it. Let us help you reach out to one of the fastest growing consumer groups, Generation Z and their socially connected predecessors. Get in touch and we’ll help you get under the influencer today.