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The Challenge

Update the logo and CI for a brand developed in the 1960s that positions it as being the ultimate workhorse of paints for over 50 years, while simultaneously crafting a modern visual identity.

Nailed It

Wordmark logos have a narrative that transcends through time, thus we designed one that would highlight the brand’s longstanding legacy without it coming across as dated. The minimalism of a ‘monogram H’ provides a contemporary feel and has the potential to stand the test of time as monograms are timeless and versatile.

Team Talk


Keeping with its mythological namesake, the gladiator, Hercules, the solid bold lettering coincides with the strength and power of the brand’s products. As part of the brand CI, we created a watermark effect of Pegasus, Hercules’ mythological horse in reference to the brand soaring above the competition. Pegasus flew to Hercules in times of need, in the same way that Hercules Paints helps customers with their own paint concerns.

Fonts & colours