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The Challenge

Knock a few years off the old logo by giving it a fresh new look through attractive design that speaks to the core of the business and the industry it represents.

Nailed It

The brand’s visual identity was transformed through a distinctive new look and feel that upped its presence in the market and inspired audiences to stop and take a second look. In so doing, fresh recognition and memorability were brought to the San Marco brand.

Team Talk


We incorporated scissors into the logo design as they are a common tool of the hair trade that also symbolise the precision and accuracy of San MarCo’s stylists. The scissors’ blades form the diagonal strokes of the letter ‘m’ in San MarCo and the word hair was added to eliminate any confusion as to the nature of the business. ‘Hair’ is also all uppercased and standing bold, neatly housed between two sets of vertical lines that represent the teeth of a comb, providing a subtle cue to the feelings of confidence inspired by a new hairstyle.

Fonts & colours