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The Challenge

To inspire every member of staff across all levels of the Groups’ hierarchies on a national level to put the GUEST principles (Greet, Uniform, Engage, Sell, Thank) into practice and continue to do so indefinitely after campaign conclusion.

Nailed It

Along with digital and print elements, the GUEST movement was rolled out through a national road show, store visits, workshops and training seminars that explained the GUEST concept in fun, easy and interactive ways. This engaged employees and got them excited about championing positive changes within their respective store locations. Our GUEST FIT ‘90 day-90 challenge’ imparted micro-learnings onto staff, giving them the tools to change bad habits and improve culture and the store experience

Team Talk

Brand Strategy

The data derived from GUEST provided invaluable insights upon which the Spar Group could benchmark their current customer experience levels and improve them accordingly.


The logo incorporates the SPAR logo, with ‘GUEST’ in large and bold to make the customer experience campaign the central focus. Each word beneath ‘GUEST’ represents an element of the campaign that constitutes the GUEST experience and acronym. The use of stars between each word is in reference to a rating system, with the 5 stars drawing attention to the 5-star Spar shopping experience that GUEST helps to deliver.

Web Development

Allowed the SPAR Group to roll out the GUEST FIT challenge nationwide by creating challenges and subsequent tasks for franchisees to complete over a prescribed time frame that would improve their GUEST score. The site enabled regional managers to track each store’s progress and send direct communication via messaging tools; facilitate submissions of weekly challenges and enable all staff to enter and submit information from their smartphone.